possible holes in IRIX administration programs?

Steve Kotsopoulos (steve@ecf.toronto.edu)
Wed, 10 Aug 1994 11:51:00 -0400

In IRIX 4.x, there are several setuid root programs under /usr/lib/vadmin
In IRIX 5.x, there are several setuid root programs under /usr/Cadmin/bin
At this site, we protect these directories by changing their mode to 700.
Other sites may want to take similar precautions.

Some time ago, a colleague of mine had his IRIX 4.x system broken into.
It appears that the crackers used /usr/lib/vadmin/serial_ports to gain
root privs after they got into the system as someone else.

Is anyone aware of a bug in serial_ports? How about the new Cadmin stuff?